Global language code has identified the following 50 widely spoken languages of the world under Global chip along with 4 more chips there by to handle the technology simply & perfectly! lingual chip, (conversation from one end only) bilingual chip, (conversation between two ends) multilingual chip, (conversation between 2 or more languages) selective languages chip (conversation between 2 or more selective languages) and finally global chip( conversation takes place one end to rest of the global languages, among 50 languages)
1.English, 2.Mandarian Chinese, 3.Hindi, 4.Spanish, 5.French, 6.Arabic, 7.Bengali, 8.Russian, 9.Portagese, 10.Indonesian, 11.Urdu, 12.German, 13.Japanese, 14.Swahili, 15.Marathi, 16.Telugu, 17.Turkish, 18.Yue Chinese, 19.Tamil, 20. Punjabi, 21. Wu Chinese, 22.Korean, 23.Vietanamese, 24.Hause, 25.Javanese, 26.Egyptian Arabic, 27. Italian, 28.Thai, 29.Gujarati, 30.Kannada, 31.Persian, 32.Bhojpuri, 33.Polish, 34.Southern Min, 35.Hakka Chinese, 36. Filiphino, 37.Pashto, 38.Ukranian, 39.Yoruba (Niger congo) 40. Malayalam, 41.Xiang Chinese, 42.Odiya, 43.Maithili, 44.Sudanese Arabic, 45. Burmese, 46.Nigerian pidgin, 47, Uzbek, 48, Romanian, 49. Sindhi, and 50.Amharic!

These 50 languages were coded and interrelated with each other with protocal panel boards of minimum 1 letter word to maximum 24 letters words of internal micro processor of both the ends (reception and transmission) and Processed through 5 global languages translating machines for accurate & perfect translation!