Marketing Scope


It is estimated that almost every inhabitant on the earth will be the potential user/ active customer of this technology in future, however at present 97.75% of the total population of the world were brought under this technology through global chip!

Global language code has been identified and developed on the basis of 2 new innovative technology’s 1. Interlingua technology ( a Chip format) and Internal Micro Processor( a Device format) to perform the entire process perfectly & efficiently, in doing this a new cellular phone” HIYA ” has been emergent to execute the technology 100% perfectly with minimum time lag, it’s first ever of this kind in electronics and wire less telecommunication world!

The invention Provide ample opportunities to the investor’s on continues process of both manufacturing and sales of “HIYA” Cellular phones and Global chip, lingual chip, bilingual chip, multi lingual chip and selective languages chips!

However these language translation chips are unlimited among the various combinations of 50 widely spoken languages of the world!

The investor will be the monopoly both in manufacturing and sales of HIYA mobile phones and Interlingua chips, it’s forever and endless!

It’s unique, distinctive and first ever of this kind in the world and every person of the world will become the active user of this invention and it will bring revolution into their life’s and there by into global economy!