Speak & hear entire global languages through your mother tongue!
Global Languages Translator

Proposed "Hiya"cellular device!
Global language code as a unique & distinctive invention in the field of the electronic wireless communications world. The revolutionary innovative invention has been designed to unify the world’s languages in a single universal translating device we call ‘Hiya’ that allows its users to speak & hear entire global languages in their own mother tongue and in the voice of the speaker in real time. This is the ultimate global communications technology that offers numerous applications that will appeal to the world’s biggest communications companies and generate continuous massive revenue.”
Cellular Phone Like Never Before
No matter who you are
HIYA enables nearly every person to speak & hear entire languages of the world without any barriers, limitations, restrictions and conditions!
Hiya makes your conversation as sweet as sugar cane
It’s a perfect and accurate means of translating your accent, pronunciation, vocabulary, emotions, feelings, body language and style of expression!
Unique & distinctive
Global language code ( glc) brings people together by achieving entire global languages under one pin and connecting them through the unique and distinctive invention “HIYA” for the purpose!
Multi communicator
Hiya has been exclusively designed for first time users to speak and hear entire global languages, in two or more modes I. e direct communication, indirect communication and public address communication through its global chip, this experience is available to 97.75% of total population of the world!
Global communication on finger tip
Processing Hiya means possessing entire global languages on finger tips. A layman, or any other language speaker can use this technology easily and simply without any prior knowledge of diverse languages. They only need to know their mother tongue in order to communicate globally.
The perfect language translator
Unheared of before, this technology which gets your conversations translated while using cellular phones is unique. Global language code creates the solutions and enables us to speak and hear through a HIYA- Cellular Phone.
Natural voice translator
Atleast 1400 Micro functions/ factors of entire global languages have been identified to make the conversation as natural as the speakers own mother tongues! Instead, no artificial attempt has been made that what are existing at the moment in language translating field such as application oriented, device oriented or any other artificial translators!
Global languages chip
The Global language chip is the key chip of the invention. Atleast 50 languages which are widely spoke, comprise of the world’s language Systems of 97.75%, Glc is exclusively designed & developed under one pin, so speakers can both talk and hear through Hiya cellular phone. Along with global chip 4 additional chips has been designed to make the language translation technology more flexible and convenient for the users I.e Lingual chip, Bilingual chip, Multilingual chip & Selective languages chip.
Technology used for!
1.Interlingua Technology
2.Glc – Internal Micro Processor.
1.Language is disintegrated from delivered end, and reconstructed into another language or targeted language on other end( reception end) 2.Global language translating machines: Glc -Imp is the innovative technology which has been exclusively designed to be implanted into Hiya cellular phone to execute language translations from one end to the otherend and vice versa through its 5 tier language translating machines. These machines are interrelated with 24 protocol panel boards of a minimum 1 letter board to a maximum 24 letters boards on both the ends of GLC- IMP!
Process of the technology
Delivered language from transmission end will be Stressed into 12 factors in a descending manner and recomposed into targeted languages on the reception end in an ascending manner. Glc has been exclusively designed 1400 micro factors/ functions( each 700 from both the ends) to perform the language translation perfectly and accurately of 50 widely spoken languages of the world, it’s exclusively unique & novel design and first ever of this kind in electronics and wireless telecommunication field globally.
Big Companies

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HIYA invention of Global Language Code ( GLC)
Hiya is the invention of Global Language Code ( GLC) which is exclusively designed & developed to cater language barriers around the globe, the main purpose of this invention is to speak & hear entire global languages as clearly as your mother tongue, for the purpose GLC has invented and developed two different technology’s i.e. Interlingua technology a chip format and internal micro processor a device format. Both technologies are interrelated for the purpose of executing an exact and perfect translation with new version cellular phones. “HIYA” has been exclusively designed & developed for the first time in electronics and wireless telecommunications in the world. How does it work, it’s possible through human conversation delivered voices voice in any language being divided into 12 parts or factors, then deconstructed from transmission end, the language is then translated and recomposed into the targeted language on the receiving end. this has been made possible through global language translating machines which have been exclusively designed for the purpose and implanted into internal configuration of the Hiya cellular phone. With almost 97.75% of the world’s Languages already functioning under Global chip of 50 widely spoken languages and remaining 2.25% under our umberlla. Glc making continues it’s afforts to create a separate platform for these Languages. Software version working prototype of the invention has proved the language translation between an English person a Chinese girl (indirect mode) and between an Arabic person and a African person( face to face or direct mode) work completely. The marketing scope, value, potentiality and opportunities of the invention is estimated to a greater level.
This invention has carrying the following credentials:
- 15 minutes video of software version working prototype of the invention.
- Real time translation took place between an English and a Chinese in indirect( cellular to cellular) mode and between an Arabic and an African direct( face to face) mode, by using “HIYA” cellular technology!
- Digital & hard copy working flow chart of the invention
- Digital & hard copy version of entire GLC invention
- Project link: https://patents.justia.com/inventor/mohammad-munwar-alibaig Published Number : 20110307242
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